Instrument Rating
The next step in pilot proficiency and experience
This course is designed to enhance a pilot's skills and build confidence in challenging conditions. When you earn your instrument rating, you will no longer be limited by visual flight rules and all the restrictions that come with them.
When you become an instrument pilot, you'll be able to navigate the complexities of the National Airspace System...and less than ideal weather conditions both safely and with more confidence.
If you're an aircraft owner with a properly-equipped IFR aircraft, we can train you in your airplane for $65 per hour.
Open the doors to new and more challenging flight experiences...start working on your instrument rating today.
Pricing (True Cost, No hidden fees)
Receive: 15 hours dual flight instruction - $2,849.70
10 hours Ground Instruction - $400
15 hours Pre-Flight and Post Flight Brief -$600
Sporty's Learn to Fly online Course $279
Grand Total:
Cessna 172N $4,128.70